Creator; Kyuda Bijuu, Miraki Uchiha (Owen-Garcia)
Name; Bijuu Will: Ketai Raiton, Demon Will: Raging Thunder
Nature; Kyuda Bijuu Power
Rank; S Rank
Range; Wherever
Origin; The powers of the Kyuda Bijuu.
Jutsu Type; Offensive
Teaching Capabilities; Cannot, as he is a unique Bijuu.
+ Performance +
Initial Move; Tiger - Monkey - Dragon + Bijuu Power
Accuracy; 83% as of Sharingan and Speed.
Faults; If the Bijuu needs more power and leaks out more chakra, it could engulf Miraki, and cause him to go mad and stop the move.
Weakness; He will be in a straight motion with sharingan which would need at least 3 lines to dodge. (One to avoid speed, to avoid Sharingan and avoid Motions)
Advantage; The Kyuda Chakra engulfs the Chidori, and causes it to roar as a thundering bomb, strenthening it to its limits.
Chakra Usage; One Blow, will drain almost all Noraml chakra and all Bijuu chakra. Leaving the user in a disgruntled state.
Conclusive Move; When it hits, it burns and shocks the opponent, while also going thorugh skin, and ends with an explosion of thunder. (Hence name Raging Thunder)
History; While using the Bijuu power, he infused it in his Chidori (Raiton) and created it.